Daily Archives: March 30, 2011


A digital photo of an old BOWTIE (red_velvet_p...

Bow tie!

So, I keep hearing about VEDA or Vlog Everyday in April. I’ve decided to try BEDA or Blog Everyday in April. 😉 Let’s show those vloggers what for!

On that note, today kicked off Spirit Week at school (yes, I’m homeschooled. Yes, I go to school. Confused? Join the club!) It was Knee-highs and Ties Day. I wore a bow tie and blue knee-highs. Yep. Not my proudest moment.

My Bracelet

Friday is Color War. My grade’s color is orange, so my best friend and I went shopping because we both own little to no orange!!!! She bought a peach dress (Hey! It’s close to orange!) and I bought a big, shiny orange bracelet. I have a wrap shirt to wear with it.

We had so much fun at the mall. We danced and posed, drank smoothies, had some girl talk, and overall had a ball. And we saw the most adorable puppy!!!!

This isn’t the EXACT puppy, but gives you an idea of the puppy’s cuteness level.  Jack Russel Terrier puppies are so pickin’ cute!

Just try resisting that face!

It was so fluffy I could die! (I watched Despicable Me finally! It was a sweet movie)

I ate so many cookies today, because it was my friend’s birthda

y.  And then I shared half a sunflower cupcake with my other friend. I’m going to be so fat! Probably not though. I have PE tomorrow.

I have to go clean my room and complete Spanish work. Sigh. TTYL, blog buddies.