Tag Archives: Sherlock

Things I Love Today…


I haven’t done one of these in a while!

1. Come Along, Chelsea Lauren- http://comealong-chelsealauren.tumblr.com/

This is my favorite nerdy fashion blog. Chelsea is always so inspiring. She takes characters from shows, books, and movies and then recreates the looks.Here’s an example. This is based on Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars:

2. This video. I’ve had it on replay.

I just recently saw Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I thought it was hilarious, if a bit crude at times. It’s my first foray into the dangerous world of Mel Brooks.


Sherlock and Watson: Ponies by Vondell Swain

Sherlock and Watson: Ponies by Vondell Swain

4.  The fact that I get to read The Hobbit, Frankenstein, and Slaughter-house Five for my science fiction and fantasy literature class.

5.  Guys, I make some mean chocolate Oreo cupcakes, if I do say so myself

TV-Style Break-Up



I haven’t ever been through a bad TV-style break-up. If you’ve ever watched a chick flick or any show that you can find by randomly clicking through channels, you know what I’m referring to.

A guy and girl will be dating and they are perfect together. Then suddenly, one or the other (usually the guy) will arrange a dinner/date/outing and then break the news that they’re no longer interested in their boyfriend/girlfriend. If the dumped person is a guy, then TV states that he will mourn by playing video games, withdrawing from society, clubbing (usually forced to go by a well-intentioned friend) and/or long walks by himself. If the person is a woman, however, she will respond by sobbing, eating unusually high amounts of carbs, watching sappy movies, listening to sad music, or some combination of these.

I’m not claiming that this necessarily represents reality. Although it might. Like I said, I’ve never been through a bad break-up. At most, I might be sad for a while. I think I cried once. But no romantic relationship that I have ever been in has been so

important to me that its termination would lead to a sorrow-and-ice-cream induced state of comatose. There are things that would trigger such a scenario, though. These include (in no particular order):

  • Cancellation of a favorite TV show
  • Listening to certain songs (An example, much to my everlasting shame, is “Please Don’t Leave Me” by P!nk. I know, I hate me too)
  • Watching certain movies (Old Yeller, Toy Story 3, Casablanca, Serenity etc.)
  • Any major fight with someone I’m close to.
  • Watching certain TV episodes [“The Reichenbach Fall” (Sherlock), “Doomsday” (Doctor Who), “The Lady of the Lake”  (Merlin)etc.]
  • Pretty much anything Rose/Doctor or Daniel/Vala related. Yes, I ship fictional couples with an enthusiasm that is quite sad from an objective point of view.
  • On a particularly emotional day, certain books have this effect.

And more, I’m sure.

The whole reason I’m writing this is that I feel like I’ve just been through a TV-style break-up. And I have a cold 😦 Sigh… oh well. Cue the ice cream, ridiculous movies, and Kleenex.

(I think I may have already posted something similar to this… 😛 )

Is this a normal thing? Do you ever have this feeling? I don’t think that I’m alone in this. I’d love it if you’d comment with what triggers TV-style break-up symptoms for you. Maybe we’ll have some in common!

See ya tomorrow!

College Bliss


Hello! I’m in this super mode. I’m doing homework, listening to music, interacting via social network, blogging, AND reading. I feel so on top of things.

This is in part due to my extreme caffeine consumption and part due to returning home from an extremely inspiring class.

As this is the first week of the new term at my school, I’ll probably remain driven for about another week or two.

Today is also awesome because I

  • Got “Paper Towns” by John Green in the mail. As some of you may know, this is one of my favorite books. Period. If you do choose to read it (and you should!), please note that it has mature themes and language.  Just so you know…
  • Picked up “Maphead” by Ken Jennings and “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” by Ransom Riggs from the library. Super excited! I’ll let you know my opinion when I’m done.
  • Spent some time with my good friend Jess.
  • Watched a bit of BBC’s “Sherlock”
  • Took a nap
  • Watched the sun set

And more. There were bad things, but I’d say this was a fairly good day. I’d give it 7/10, so 70% good.

How is life going for you? Is school/work/home giving joy or causing heartbreak?

See you sooner rather than later!

side-note: I’m doing a daily vlog throughout January here if you’re interested.