Category Archives: Questions

Question 2: If you could erase a horrible experience from your past…


So, I’m starting a blog series where I answer random questions. It’s like those questionnaires I love so much, except with actual writing instead of fill-in-the-blanks. Feel free to play along at home by answering the question in the comments or by submitting a question.  Hopefully this is fun! Question 1 can be found here.

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

Ok, so my life has been pretty average. There have been awful, awful things but I know how blessed I am.

That being said, I refuse to fall into the “I wouldn’t change anything because each experience has come together to shape who I am as a person” cliche, because, while it may be true, it is absolutely no fun and not in the spirt of  the game.

*Trigger Warning: Bullying*

I think the memory I’d most want to erase would be from my 6th grade year. I know, I know, middle school drama! But there were these two horrid boys who would bully me so badly that I actually became afraid to go anywhere without a friend. That’s the kind of memory I could live without.

Ultimately, one moved away and I punched the other one in the face, so things worked out alright. But it was a rather harrowing time for little me and whatever “growth” I experienced, I would willing exchange for never having to think about that part of my life again.




Questions 1: Do you have any strange phobias?


So, I’m starting a blog series where I answer random questions. It’s like those questionnaires I love so much, except with actual writing instead of fill-in-the-blanks. Feel free to play along at home by answering the question in the comments or by submitting a question.  Hopefully this is fun!

I have several strange phobias, although, to be honest, there are few fears that aren’t at least a little strange. I won’t list all my fears, because I have some dignity (*cough* pride *cough*). Here are some of my strangest ones, though”

  • Llamas- I hate them and fear them in equal measure. When I was a kid, I was tackled by a llama at a petting zoo and it took 4 grown men to get me free. Llamas are evil, guys. They send out hit squads. My llama phobia is so bad that I had to bury my head in my friend’s shoulder during a car trip when we passed a llama farm tp keep from crying. Llamas = baaaaad news.
  • Elevators- During the late 90’s/early 2000’s, Disney Channel came out with so many made-for-TV movies, especially around Halloween. I wasn’t supposed to watch the Halloween movies. But my older cousins, Trina and Lindsay, loved them. They called me a baby for not watching them too. So, one day, I decided I was going to see one of these “grown-up” movies. I’m a little ashamed that one Disney Channel movie was enough to make me forever afraid of elevators. I’m sure if I watched that movie today, I’d laugh. The damage is down, however. I’ve learned my lesson. Elevators are like moving sarcophagi. You are lucky to emerge alive.
  • Mascara- I was given a forceful make-over in middle school by some well-intentioned girls. However, after their repeated attempts to blind me with mascara, there is no way in hell I am willingly putting that stuff near my eye sockets.

Also statues, but that’s a Doctor Who thing…

There are probably more, but those are the ones that come to mind. How bout you? Any weird or quirky secret fears?