Tag Archives: Holidays

Merlin, Christmas, and a bit about chick flicks

Three small children with Christmas tree and p...

Image via Wikipedia

Hello there!

So first things first: I did win NaNoWriMo but I didn’t finish my novel. It has decided that it wants to be more than 50,000 words and who am I to stand in its way? 😀

Now that I have that out of the way, you may be wondering what it is that I do when I’m not blogging, vlogging, tumblring, doing school, or getting injured. The answer to that comes in three parts, placed in the title of this post for your convenience.

My latest TV fascination sustaining me during the hiatus of Doctor Who is Merlin.  Basically, it takes the story of Arthur and Merlin, turns them into teenagers, and places them in a court where magic is outlawed. Is it cheesy? Definitely, but it’s fun. And it’s clean. Plus, it seems like everyone in the show is good looking. Yes, I can be that shallow.

Moving on… a good deal of my time lately has been spent on making Christmas presents, buying Christmas presents, wrapping Christmas presents, worrying that people won’t like their Christmas presents and so on. I have this mindset where I want to get The. Best. Present. EVER. for people. And consequently, I have this fear that after all the time and energy (but not money, because I’m poor) I spend on a present, it is simply destined for the re-gifting pile.

It’s not just Christmas though. Whenever I get a present for someone, I want them to love it. I want it to be personal. This translates into me rarely giving gift cards or money. I don’t want to give a gift just for the sake of saying I gave you something. Ramble over.

The third and final part of this post is the idea of chick flicks. For those of you who are unaware of what this genre is all about, we turn to the ever reliable Wikipedia:

Chick flick is a slang term for a film mainly dealing with love and romance designed to appeal to a female target audience. Although many types of films may be directed toward the female gender, “chick flick” is typically used only in reference to films that are heavy with emotion or contain themes that are relationship-based …”

That may be one of the broadest definitions I’ve ever heard, but it works for my purposes. Basically, a chick flick is a sappy romantic film that involves exaggerated plots, unrealistic relationships, and happily ever after endings. Right?

So, in that case, I would not consider myself a fan of chick flicks. Sure, there are a few I like (anything with Audrey Hepburn), but many of the “romantic” films I like have sad or even tragic endings (Casa Blanca, Phantom of the Opera). And what about films like Marie Antoinette (2006) which is female-oriented, but not relationship based?

Movies seem more complicated now than when I was a child. Then I could either like a movie or dislike it without having to explain why. Now? Not so much. 🙂

That’s all. I have a video project that I’m hoping to create during the Christmas break and I’ll continue editing (read: “finishing”) my NaNoWriMo. Is it ok if I simply bombard you with poetry instead of actual post until after the holidays?

Happy Halloween!


When I had pepperoni for breakfast, that was a sign that today would be an interesting day.

Let’s see… Trick or treating with my best friend, wearing too much eye liner, eating pizza, cerebrating my grandmere’s birthday, and watching YouTube with my neighbor/adopted brother.

Tomorrow starts NaNoWrimo or, as it’s more popularly known, the death of my social life. Traditionally, my blogging suffers as a result. But this year, I think I have a solution.

What if I post my 1,666 daily words on here each day? It would keep me blogging, keep my focused on NaNoWriMo, and just be awesome.

Would this be annoying? Opinions required…please. 🙂