Tag Archives: Darren Criss

Things I Like*


*because I’m tired and lazy and hungry and I can’t have food until I’ve had some tests tomorrow morning.


As a Whovian, I must say, we have the most adorable cast. I don’t care if you’re not a fan of Matt Smith or Karen Gillan. They’re just the cutest individuals alive!

2. I’m working on an abstract art project. This is what the inside of my head looks like:

Cy Twombly's Work Space

3. Speaking of art…

A palette…of CUPCAKES!!!! (Did I mention that I’m hungry? 😛 )

4. I read this great essay called How to Do What You Love by Paul Graham. It’s inspiring but still realistic. As someone who is still searching for her purpose in life (at least career-wise), it was amazingly comforting.

5.  Can I preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of Glee? I mean, if you like Glee, good for you! But it’s just not my thing. However, I am most definitely a fan of Darren Criss, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned in the past. So, this cover of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” is something that I very much enjoyed. I like how the song is turned from being about lovers to being about two brothers who no longer get along. (I still like the original best, I think)

6. Guys, I made a human heart!

Yes, this has to do with the aforementioned art project.

7.  I cannot recommend Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman highly enough. It’s one of the best collections of poetry I’ve ever read. Not every piece is mind blowing, but oh so many are.


And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,—seeking the spheres, to connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form’d—till the ductile anchor hold;
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.

Things that are awesome today


Ok, I’ve got this! Ten Awesome Things.


1.  According to Harvard’s financial aid website, “…parents of families with incomes below $60,000 are not expected to contribute at all to college costs.” That is incredible!

2. This book

It isn’t perfect, and I have some issues with the author’s moral viewpoint, but if you’re into teen romance books with realistic characters, give it a try.  It does address things like teen drinking etc. from a realistic viewpoint, but for the most part, it is done in a classy way…without encouraging it. I hope to post a review this weekend.

3.  This song

I have been listening to this over and over. I’m even listening to it while I write this! I like Darren Driss anyway (No, I don’t like him on Glee. I don’t like Glee. Thanks for asking!), and this is such a cool rendition of a song from one of my favorite Disney movies.  I used to dream I was Belle when I was little.  Actually, I still do sometimes!

4. I went to an orientation for college tonight! I’m thrilled beyond words! I’m also freaking out, but it’s a good freaking out. Maybe.

5.  This post


because writing an entire post in haiku is so incredibly awesome.


My Little Pony mock-ups like this one from “Mulan”. (Aren’t the ponies manly?)


9. ‘m not sure which LoTR I like better.

This one:

or this one:

10. My absolute favorite pony video is this:

Yep. Dr. Horrible + Ponies = Awesome.

So….those are my ten awesome things. See ya tomorrow!