Daily Archives: March 15, 2011

Catching Fire

Cover of "Catching Fire (The Second Book ...

Cover via Amazon

*Note: FINALLY getting this post up. I wanted to finish it before anymore tragedies could occur!

**No spoilers, I promise! (Okay, a FEW. But VERY few…)

I happen to love “The Hunger Game” by Suzanne Collins.  Is it the adventure, the suspense, the romance? I don’t know. I devoured the first book on a car trip this winter, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the second one, “Catching Fire“.  Unfortunately, my funds were rather depleted so I was forced to fall back on that age-old standby: the library.  So, I duly placed my hold and discovered that I was something like #15 out of 30 in line for the book! Needless to say, it took a little while to make its way to me.

But I was finally able to bring it home last week, and I promptly read it. And then reread the first one. And then, read it again. And, since the third time’s the charm, I read it once more. I guess you could say that I’m qualified to state my opinion of the book at this point! 🙂

I. Loved. It. I mean, it was by no means my favorite book of all time, nor was it as good as the original, but still. It was phenomenal, in terms of plot. It has you riveted from page one. However, as much I as I enjoyed this book, I have two complaints. One is that I still feel like we don’t know enough about Peeta. He is examined a little more than in bk. 1, but seems pretty one dimensional. I don’t know….maybe it’s just me…. Two is that the writing seemed choppier than in the first book. You jump around a lot more and Ms. Collins seems to be cramming as much as possible into the book, which seems strange, since there is another book (“Mockingjay”, totally on my “To Read” list. Actually I just placed a hold on it, and I’m #3 out of 3….).

To summarize (w/o giving too much away), the book starts pretty much where the first one left off. Having won the Hunger Games, Peeta and Katniss have returned home to District 12. They are getting ready to leave on their Victory Tour. One day, Katniss receives a unexpected visit from the sinister President Snow. He tells her that her decision in the arena (you know, with the berries…) is causing rebellion throughout Panem. He also tells her that her family and friends will pay if she is unable to convince the country that her true motivation was her undying love for Peeta. This is especially difficult, since we all know that Katniss is still wrestling with her feelings (not to mention Gale). And with the announcement of the 75th Hunger Games, Peeta and Katniss find themselves faced with yet another challenge.

There’s been some buzz about the movie versions of the books. I would love to be Katniss, but since that’s never going to happen, let’s just hope they don’t blow it with their casting choice. I.e Kristen Stewart is a BAD idea. Just saying…

Right now, I’m reading a cool book that mixes fiction, mystery, and philosophy. If  I like it, I’ll write a review for those of you  (What?!?  people read this blog? *Cough, cough) who are interested.



I’m kind of special. For example, right now, I’m having a musical sing-along. By myself. In front of a computer. Yep.

“I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I’ve never done before”

or maybe

Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan ”

🙂 I say all this to introduce you to a subject that’s been on my mind today: the concept of being an “individual” or of being unique.

According to that sage of all sages, Barney:

“You are special
You’re the only one, you’re the only one like you
There isn’t another in the whole wide world                                                                                                                                                              Who can do the things you do

Oh! You are special- special
Everyone is special
Everyone in his or her own way
Oh! You are special -special
Everyone is special
Everyone in his or her own way!”

However, if everyone is special, how can anyone be special at all?  The word “special” means “extraordinary; exceptional” (Dictionary.com) And the word “extraordinary” comes from “extraordinarius” or “out of the common order.” So if everyone is extraordinary, then there would not be a “common order.”  The word ordinary itself  means “belonging to the usual order or course.”

As I wrote the paragraph above, my mom came in and asked what I was writing about. I explained and asked for her opinion. According to her, we are all born with the potential to be extraordinary. Being ordinary comes about as a result of our failure to seize that potential.

It’s an interesting thought, but it raises questions, such as how do you define potential? And does that mean that Bob who flips burgers has failed to find his true potential? Or was that his potential all along, to be the best burger flipper in town?

I don’t know, and that bothers me. I truly want to live an extraordinary life, but I guess that I first need to figure out what that means!