Tag Archives: Doctor

In which I monologue primarily about the Doctor but also about other things

Doctor Who (series 5)

Image via Wikipedia

Hi there! So,  here’s the thing about BEDA 2: I’m doing it, but not really. There are at least three days this month where I will have no internet whatsoever. So, with the exception of those three, I plan to blog everyday.

I’m such a Doctor Who fangirl. I liked the show before, but now that I’ve seen almost all of season 4 (I’m so close to being caught up!), I feel like I have more of a right to it. I don’t know if that makes any sense. My goal is to caught up by the time part 2 of season 6 comes out, or August 27.

Another plus about getting caught up is that Chameleon Circuit songs make much more sense.  Chameleon Circuit is a trock (time lord rock) band and they’re good. I mean, they’re so good you really don’t need to know anything about Doctor Who in order to appreciate how good they are. But knowing all the little references , or almost all, is so cool!

And guys, I saw Blink! It was as epic as everyone says. It truly was.  I think it’s probably my favorite so far. The Angels are so scary.  They are tied with the Vashta Nerada as the scariest villain of the series.  Actually, I think that the Weeping Angels are a bit more scary in and of themselves but since they don’t actually kill… I’m torn.

I promise to write a post tomorrow that is not about the Doctor.

Doctor What?

David Tennant at Stratford upon Avon. This ima...

Image via Wikipedia

As anyone who has followed my blog for long can vouch, I’m a pretty big fan of Doctor Who. The remarkable thing about that is this: Until yesterday, I’d only seen season 1, part of 2, part of 3, and a tiny bit of 5. Without Netflix, Who fans in America are a bit hard pressed to find a way to watch the show. But fortunately for me, one of my best friends is also obsessed with the show and was on the EXACT SAME EPISODE as me. Add the fact that she has a Netflix and BAM! Instant awesome. And also, she’s now my best BEST friend.

So, last night, we went on an epic Fred Meyer raid to get ice cream as stage 1 of our Doctor Who-athan. That was tricky. So many flavors… We decided to get cherry vanilla, but were stuck between mint and Oreo, when something miraculous happened- Oreo mint.  Having acquired the necessary supplies, we retuned to base (i.e her living room) and settled in for a looooong night.

 SPOILER ALERT! I want to write my opinion of what I saw, but don’t want to give anything away to the poor souls like me who are epically behind in the series. This spoiler alert covers seasons 2 and 3.

So first off, the chemistry between David Tennant’s Doctor and Rose was nowhere near the chemistry of Christopher Eccleston and Rose. Still though, they had a connection. That made it really hard to deal with the “death” of Rose, even though I knew that she was going to have to leave at some point. I’m grateful that the writers allow the Doctor to show grief about Rose, though. I was a little worried that they’d breeze over that and have him forget her.

On that same train of thought, Donna was annoying. I’m not looking forward to her return in future seasons. Martha is fun, bright, and can be sweet, but it’s annoying how she keeps trying to take Rose’s place in the Doctor’s life. He loved Rose.  He likes Martha, however the two relationships aren’t comparable.

There’s a lot more I could say but I’m right in middle of an epic plot twist involving the Doctor’s “humanity” and I have to go.

Oh wait! One more thing. My friend is a Dalek sympathizer. She gets all giddy every time they appear on the screen. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if she wants the Daleks to win…
